Tom Vassos Bio
Tom Vassos has devoted thousands of hours researching his lifelong passions – astronomy, cosmology and space exploration. He is the Founder of Cosmologists Without Borders, a Member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, a Contributing Member of Astronomers Without Borders and a Science Advocate for the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Mr. Vassos was in the technology industry for 35 years and has taught courses at several universities around the world including 30+ years at the University of Toronto. A skilled professor, workshop leader and professional keynote speaker with a sense of humor that has conducted over 500 keynote speeches and workshops in 45 countries on 6 continents in the past 3 decades.
Mr. Vassos received a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) degree from the University of Waterloo and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Rotman School of Management (University of Toronto). He was enrolled in the PhD program at Charles Sturt University for two years (incomplete) focusing on innovation research.
Mr. Vassos is a science communicator that is frequently invited as a guest expert on radio and television. He delights in imparting his knowledge to space enthusiasts, young minds and lifelong learners everywhere.
Mr. Vassos is the author of The Ultimate Guided Tour of the Universe – A Journey Through Space and Time, which is now available in over 100 countries. (e.g., available on Amazon in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, International, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain, United Kingdom (UK), United States (USA), available on other websites: Australia (Booktopia), Finland (Adlibris), Norway (Adlibris), Sweden (Adlibris) and available in over 100 other countries on AmazonGlobal.)